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City Council Meeting 06/15/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #31
June 15, 2006

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – Present.

Staff Members Present –John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Trish Geer, Secretary to Corporation Counsel, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Fire Chief Mike Quill, Terry Winslow, Assistant Fire Chief, Frank DeOrio, Municipal Utilities Director, Gerry DelFavero, Public Works Director.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   Mrs. Parker’s Sign Language class from Herman Ave. School led the Pledge by using sign language.

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.  

Presentations and Proclamations  - Mayor Lattimore presented a memoriam to the family of Frank Calarco, a 34-year veteran and former Chief of the Auburn Fire Department who died earlier in the week. Mrs. Debbie Calarco accepted.

Mayor Lattimore opened the Public Hearing so that the public could be heard on the proposed Local Law #1 of 2006 electing cents per gallon rate of sale and compensating use tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel.

Louis Vasile, owner of D&L Diesel on Owasco St. spoke to ask the City to approve the cap.  He discussed the issues as they relate to a small business owner.   Council and Mr. Vasile discussed the pros and cons of the Local Law.

Public Announcements – Mayor Lattimore reported on the RSVP Luncheon that was held the previous week.  He presented a “check” that the City was given representing 657,571 hours of volunteer service from the RSVP volunteers.  He thanked them and the staff.

City Manager’s Report –
The City Manager reported that City Hall Summer Hours would begin on July 3.  Hours will be 8AM to 4PM.  He also invited Steve Lynch to review the status of the Operation Auburn program.  

Steve Lynch, Director of Planning and Economic Development reviewed and updated Council on the Operation Auburn Program. It is the Mayor’s initiative to bring people back to Auburn.  The Planning office has done all of the coordination.  

Public to be Heard
Mary Lou Picciano 32 Cayuga St. spoke regarding the police treatment of her son.

Mayor Lattimore commented.

Ordinances -

Local Law #1 of 2006 authorizing an amendment to the City of Auburn Sales and Compensating Use Tax Exemptions on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel over two ($2.00) dollars per gallon. The City Manager discussed the issues of this law.  Lisa Green, Comptroller explained the tax implications relative to the budget.  A motion to table was voted down.  Council unanimously voted to amend the ordinance from three dollars per gallon to two dollars.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #127 of 2006 authorizing the City Treasurer to purchase all outstanding tax liens that remain unpaid at the time of the 2006 City of Auburn tax sale on behalf of the City of Auburn. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #128 of 2006 declaring lead agency and determining significance of environmental impacts pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act in regard to modification of the Solid Waste Management Permit issued to the City of Auburn Landfill. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Award Resolution #139 of 2006 authorizing award of bid for the 2006 Community Development Block Grant Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Program.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #130 of 2006 approving the expenditures presented for payment and authorizing the Comptroller to process the payment of same.   Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #131 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cayuga County Department of Health and Human Services for criminal records checks. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #132 of 2006 authorizing the execution and delivery of a Lease-Purchase Agreement to finance the cost a fire ladder truck for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $745,000.Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Award Resolution #133 of 2006 authorizing the award of bid for the aerial platform truck for the Auburn Fire Department to Tracey American LaFrance.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Financial Resolution #134 of 2006 authorizing adoption of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for 2006-2007.  PULLED

Second Public to be Heard

Earl Staring  5 McConnell Ave. – spoke about a variety of issues.

The Mayor closed the public hearing.

Other Business
Councilor Smith asked about the time frame for restructuring the City’s government.  The City Manager and Mayor comment.  

Mayor Lattimore asked if Corporation Counsel could determine if the City could prohibit convicted felons from renting subsidized housing.  Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel, indicated that was most likely not in the City’s jurisdiction to do, but would look in to it.

No Recap.

Council adjourned to executive session at 8:20PM and returned at 9:00PM.  

Upon returning Council voted on the following:

Award Resolution #135 of 2006 authorizing the City Manager to promote one individual to the position of Assistant Fire Chief.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 9:10PM.